
Friday 9 July 2021

The last day of school

 This blog is about the last day of school and well there have been some interesting things that have been going on because there have been some people that misbehave and some that really hate working for the teacher but i will talk about that later so this term homework has been a little bit hard because yes we get more now also i have done lots of homework for the past 10 weeks and thats all i want to say for that so lets talk about the arguments so since some of us take or Chromebooks home we sometimes use it for calls to connect with our friends if we need help but some people take to argue with other schools which is kind of scary so thats why the teachers stop as much as they could and the prefects so since the argues cooled down most of the people,so for the last day i enjoyed most of the time i spend with some of my friends so if you are reading this i hope you have a safe holiday and dont get angry!

                                                                         Thank you:)

Tuesday 6 July 2021



Wow i cant believe it i met the ......famous people and i totally know who they are but yes i met them at a rugby field it was the best day of my life i really looked happy in the photo well that all i can say for a short blog thanks for reading.  

Friday 2 July 2021


 So Today's blog is about Earth and as you know we've been living for our whole life and the reason why earth is the only planet we live in well its because it has lots of trees that give out carbon dioxide that's what gives us oxygen but what's dangerous about other planets is that we don't have the same things like air from trees and plants.well i used google to find out how much water is in earth and i don't know if this s true is says 326 million trillion water in earth which is scary because there is more water than land,

So that’s all i wanted to say so thank you for reading the blog post about earth:)

Find a nice view of the earth on google:)